

Full investigations of infertility

  • Ultrasound
  • Diagnostic and Operative Hystero Laparoscopy
  • Reproductive endocrine laboratory (Hormone assay by CLIA,VIDAS)
  • Treatment of ovulation Disorders
  • Treatment of male factor infertility
Reproductive endocrine laboratory (Hormone assay by RIA) Treatment of Disorders of ovulation Treatment of male factor infertility

Andrology laboratory

We are doing detailed semen analysis according to the criteria laid down by W. H. O. Biochemistry, sperm function test are also done.

• Treament Of Male Infertility

• Intrauterine insemination ( IUI )

Intrauterine insemination is also referred as Artificial insemination (AI) frequently used as a first line therapy in the treatment of an infertile couple. Depending on the source of semen there are two types of IUI
1) Semen from Husband AIH, Artificial insemination Husband.
2) Semen from Donor AID Artificial insemination Donor.
The semen sample is processed by washing centrifugation and migration. A suitable culture medium is used. The final migration is done under stringent culture conditions using Co2 incubation. This washed and prepared sperms, free of bacterial contamination and debris is then inseminated via a special catheter directly into the uterine cavity. IUI can be done as
a) Natural cycle or no stimulated cycle.
b) Controlled stimulation or super ovulation cycle.
Women with ovulatory dysfunction, endometriosis with patent tubes luteal phase defects cervical factor infertility can try I. U. I.
Success rate is on higher side where IUI is combined with super ovulation cycle.
Donor insemination program semen cryopreservation.
Cryopreservation spermatozoa is well established for assisted reproduction techniques for many years. Sperm cryopreservation is now routinely practiced in assisted reproductive technology and andrology, for a range of reasons including quarantine of donor sperms for transmissible diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B, VDRL and Gonorrhoea etc. Long term storage for man who will be absent during their partners ART
In case of inability to produce semen sample in the day of IUI, IVF, or ICSI, We routinely have a backup frozen semen sample. Our cryopreservation facilities are also routinely used to cryopreserve testicular and epididymal sperm, so that repeated attempts at obtaining fresh testicular and eididymal sperm are avoided.

• Donor insemination program /semen cryopreservation

Cryopreservation spermatozoa is a well established technique for assisted reproduction for many years. Sperm cryopreservation is now routinely practiced in assisted reproductive technology and andrology, for a range of reasons including quarantine of donor sperms for transmissible diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B, VDRL and Gonorrhoea etc. Long term storage for man who will be absent during their partner’s ART, treatment for malignant diseases etc. In case of inability to produce semen sample in the day of IUI, IVF or ICSI. We routinely have a backup frozen semen sample. Our cryopreservation facilities are also routinely used to cryopreserve testicular and epididymal sperm, so that repeated attempts at obtaining fresh testicular and epididymal sperm are avoided

• Cryopreservation Of Semen

I. V. F. – E.T. Invitro fertilization- Embryo transfer.

IVF is a time- tested procedure to increase the change of pregnancy, this is a sequential process. Requiring the harvest of oocytes from the woman’s Ovary, receiving ovarian stimulation, achieved through use of different fertility or ovulation induction medication. Mature eggs on a predictable schedule are retrieved from the ovary, inseminated with the prepared semen sample, The eggs and sperms are incubated together, 18 hours late the fertilization is observed. These fertilized oocytes are cultured further into early embryos. These monitored for a few days prior to their transfer into the uterus for the initiation of pregnancy. The basic technique of transferring the embryos can be
Day 2 : At the 6-8 cell stage embryo. This is a universally accepted stage of Embryo Transfer (ET) So, IVF is ideal for couples with tubal blockage or pelvic adhesions and some case of endometriosis.
In general IVF is ideal for
  • Females with tubal blockage
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Endometriosis
  • Boderline, male factor
  • Previous tubal ligation not amendable to reversal
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Elderly Couple

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - I. C. S. I.

Certain couples with server male factor infertility cannot be helped with conventional IVF. In order to tackle this problem procedures based on micromanipulation of oocytes and spermatozoa have been established. ICSI is one of the most technically advanced procedures where a single spermatozoa is directly injected into the ooplasm (cytoplasm) of the oocytes. This procedure is done using an inverted microscope equipped with micromanipulators and microinjection needle where the prepared sperm is injected using microinjecting pipette which is 60 times thinner than the human hair, into the ooplasm which is hold by microholding pipette which is 20 times thinner than human hair. The microinjected egg is then returned to the incubator for further culture and is checked for fertilization about 16-18 hrs after ICSI, Following another 24 hrs of in vitro culture. The embryos thus obtained from ICSI programme are taken for ET following a similar policy of conventional IVF.

ICSI is indicated for the Following:

  • Extremely low count, i.e. Oligospermia. ICSI is recommended if <5 million sperm count is seen
  • Abnormal or poor sperm morphology, i.e. Teratozoospermia, esp. Globozoospermic ejaculates.
  • Impaired sperm motility, I.e. Asthenozoospermia
  • Man with ejaculatory disorder
  • Women with advanced age
  • Infertility due to immunological cases
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Endometriosis

Donor Oocyte Program

Oocyte (egg) donation involves the deliberate use of oocytes (egg) provided by a donor for in vitro fertilization and subsequent ET to a matched and synchronized recipient. Our center has an ongoing oocyte donation program with successful progenies. The indication for donation includes premature ovarian failure (hypergonadotropic hypogonadism). Pre menopausal women with diminished ovarian reserve, women with advanced reproductive age who have experienced natural menopause, young women not benefited from repeated in vitro fertilization, or those who have performed poorly in respect to oocyte (poor responder) or embryo quality. Women with extensive endometriosis are the candidates for oocyte donation. Finally, the oocyte donor program is chosen to avoid the possibility of transmitting any significant genetic illness for which the female recipient is know to be a carrier of..

Donor Embryo program

For couples undergoing assisted conception treatment, where both partner are infertile, the embryo donation is well established and proved to be successful. Menopausal or premenopausal women and infertile partner, recurrent IVF failure specially in older patients of those who are carriers of genetic diseases of chromosomal anomalies are candidates who benefit from donor embryo program.

Surrogacy Program

Surrogate embryo transfer facility also available at NTTBC.


• Embryo Cryopreservation

The cryopreservation of embryos allows us to maximize the potential for conception for any couple undergoing ART or IVF cycle. This technique prevents the wastage of embryos, which are produced from a single stimulation cycle. All embryos are coded, labeled and stored in special containers to maintain their identity.
With the advent of “Vitrification” a new technique of embryo freezing a successful cryopreservation program is available at our center, thus making embryos available to those couples .
  • Who had an unsuccessful IVF cycle but their embryos are freezed then Frozen thaw Embryo Transfer is the option.
  • Couples who are unable to produce normal embryos.

• Oocytes Cryopreservation

Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation is the process of saving or protecting eggs, sperm, or reproductive tissue so that a person can use them to have biological children in the future.


Infertility and its treatment cause significant stress to the couple which is detrimental to the reproductive cycle. Before definitive treatment begins we encourage couples to talk about their stress factors and initiate counseling.
Nagpur Test Tube Baby Center recognized by FOGSI for Basic Infertility Training course for 7 days since 2000.
Since last 3 years the centre has been recognized for Advanced Infertility Training Course of fifteen days.

Management of high-risk pregnancy at our Obstetric Center

+91 712 2525830, +91 712 2536815, 8390639029

FOGSI Training Programmes

Reproductive endocrine laboratory (Hormone assay by RIA) Treatment of Disorders of ovulation Treatment of male factor infertility
  • Basic Infertility Training for 3 days and 7 days.
  • Advance Infertility Training for 15 days
  • Ultrasound Training course for7 and 14 days available at sister institution Dr. Mangala Ketkar Hospital.
  • CLICK HERE to download Infertility Training Form
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