

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, its absolutely possible safe vaginal delivery with IVF, you need to consult an experienced gynecologist & IVF specialist. At Nagpur Test Tube Baby Centre , Dr. Sadhana Patwardhan is an emirent Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and IVF Specialist at Nagpur.
There is no specific number. This is determined by the couple together with the physician.
The embryo transfer does not require any anesthesia. It is performed using a speculum that allows the doctor to see the cervix, (like a Pap smear) and is very similar in technique to an intrauterine insemination (IUI). Usually the woman feels only the speculum and nothing else.
It is really not clear that prolonged rest after transfer is helpful. In nature, the embryo floats freely in the endometrial cavity for a number of days before implantation and it will do the same in an IVF cycle. We do recommend that you take it easy following transfer for the rest of the day, but routine work activities can be resumed the next day. If there is an increased risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation, we will recommend prophylactic bed rest.
Since hCG is used to finalize egg maturation, a pregnancy test (which is a measurement of hCG hormone in the urine or blood) will be positive for a number of days following egg retrieval. Some women will metabolize the hormone quickly and it will be out of the blood stream in about a week, while others may take up to 9 or 10 days to do so. We therefore recommend that a pregnancy test not be performed until 12-14 days after the egg retrieval.
Ultimately the answer is no. If an embryo is of poor quality because it is genetically abnormal, there is nothing that can be done to salvage it. However, there are procedures that we do that can improve the chances of a borderline embryo. These include carrying use of Metformin and assisted hatching. It has been shown that procedures such as these can increase implantation rates in couples with a poor prognosis
This depends on the individual. The primary reason for delay is to allow the patient’s normal menstrual cycle to resume, which may take 2 to 3 cycles.
The IVF team recommends that the patient be sedentary for a full 24 hours following pre-embryo placement in the uterus. Strenuous exercises such as jogging, horseback riding, swimming, etc. should be avoided until pregnancy is confirmed. Otherwise, the patient is free to return to her regular activities.
Generally most patients will start a fertility evaluation after one year of attempting pregnancy. The average fecundability (pregnancy rate per month) for a fertile couple is approximately 20 percent. As a result, approximately 90 percent of couples will have become pregnant after one year of attempting. The remaining 10 percent should be evaluated for fertility treatment. Women over the age of 30 should seek medical advice after 6 months of attempting pregnancy. Women over the age of 40 may consider meeting with a fertility specialist as soon as they have decided to pursue childbearing.
If your fertility treatment involves intrauterine insemination (IUI), typically the process takes about two weeks. During these two weeks, your ovaries will be stimulated to produce follicles, ovulation will occur and thereafter an insemination is performed.
In vitro fertilization (IVF), takes a bit longer, lasting anywhere from 4-6 weeks prior to egg retrieval. The embryos are then transferred anywhere from 3-5 days later.
To answer this question, each scenario really must be individualized. Many factors must be considered, and patient input is critical. Generally, we transfer anywhere from one to five embryos at one time. (Women over 42 years of age, or those who have had recurrent IVF failure, may elect to transfer more embryos.)
No, we do not. We feel that ICSI is to be performed on patients who have an indication for the procedure, such as severe male factor and/or prior history of poor fertilization.
No. The urine test depends on your hydration level. Furthermore, they are predictable to about 25 mIU per mL of bHCG. On the other hand, blood tests are sensitive to approximately 2 mIU per mL. Therefore, a very early pregnancy could be missed with a urine pregnancy test that may still be detected with blood levels.
There is no evidence that ultrasound scans can harm pregnancies. It is important to ensure; however, that the energy of ultrasound beam is kept low. Use of pulsed Doppler devices to measure blood flow should be avoided in the first weeks of pregnancy as their energy output is higher compared to the ultrasound beam used for standard imaging. Our equipment is fully compliant with the international standards for safe use in pregnancy and the machine energy output is continuously monitored during the examination.
The examination is more accurate and it is better tolerated if the bladder is completely empty. Women who attend for transabdominal scans; however, should try to fill their bladder prior to the examination.
Typically takes five to ten minutes to complete. In women with complex findings such as multiple fibroids or extensive endometriosis the examinations usually last five to ten minutes longer.
Yes. The pregnancy after IVF treatment is like normal pregnancy. But we prefer caesarian operation to avoid complications.
No need. You can take treatment anywhere you like after confirmation of pregnancy
You have to take any drugs only with the consultations of your physician who treats you.
There are no food restrictions after IVF treatment. Normal diet can be continued
No need for fasting. You can come after taking breakfast or milk
No. we will give a mild general anaesthesia and the patient can go home after 2 hours of stay at the clinic and can attend to her normal activities.
Yes. If the E2 levels does not rise to the optimum along with the growth of the follicles or even the LH levels rise high the treatment will be stopped
It is not. You can get the treatment by visiting our clinic from out side too.
At NTTBC IVFwe pride ourselves in offering excellent success rates, above the UK’s national average, whilst making our treatment the most affordable in the country. As we are a new clinic, we are able to show the success rates of our sister clinic, CREATE Fertility St Paul’s, where the procedures and embryology will take place.
Once treatment begins, it takes around 2 weeks from start to finish. There are a couple of pre-treatment steps that must be completed. Here are the main steps of your treatment with us:
Step 1 – Initial Consultation and Scan
Step 2 - Treatment Consultation
Step 3 – Monitoring Scans and Blood Tests
Step 4 – Egg Collection
Step 5 – Fertilisation and Monitoring
Step 6 – Embryo Transfer
Step 7 – Pregnancy Test
NTTBC IVF can also offer egg freezing.
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